Get Your SSL Certificates From $16.99 Per Year
Domain Validated (DV)
Domain Validated (DV) certificates are a fast and simple way to secure your website with industry-standard up to 256-bit encryption. The process of obtaining one of these SSL certificates couldn't be easier and is usually handled with just a standard email. A file-based authentication method can also be used and is recommended if you have direct access to the server that hosts your domain name.
Multi-Domain (SAN/UCC) SSL Certificates
Multi-Domain and Unified Communications Certificates (UCC) protect all sorts of different fully qualified domain names (FQDNs): public ID addresses, private host names, IP addresses and other subject alternative names (SANs) with one simple solution. Rather than buying an individual SSL certificate for each and every domain you control, this SSL is a cost-effective alternative that simplifies the validation process, saves you money, and offers the encryption you require.
Organization Validated (OV)
Organization Validated certificates, or OV certificates, are a type of SSL technology that offers up to 256-bit encryption to websites of businesses and other registered organizations. The difference between OV certificates and domain validated (DV) certificates is that a little extra vetting is required to confirm that you not only own your domain but that your organization is also legit. But don't fret! So long as your business is registered, the validation process isn't a problem. In most cases, it only takes a couple of days and you'll be all set.
Wildcard SSL/TLS Certificates
Wildcard SSL certificates cover one domain name and an unlimited amount of sub-domains. For example, a Wildcard SSL certificate can cover,,,, etc. These certificates are extremely popular, affordable, and convenient solutions - since most domains have subdomains. Also, they are available in both DV and OV types, with no EV Wildcard SSL certificate currently available. Wildcard SSL certificates offer up to 256-bit encryption on all of the domains and subdomains that they cover.
Extended Validation (EV)
Extended Validation (EV) certificates are the most premium SSL solutions available. These are the only SSL certificates that can truly be viewed at as an investment, given their ROI potential. The main feature of EV certificates is the green address bar, the most universally trusted symbol across the web. Websites equipped with the green address bar - like Apple, PayPal, and Twitter - are instantly recognized as legitimate websites that can be trusted with personal information. The validation process typically takes a little more time with these certificates, around 1-5 business days, but if you have a registered business, we'll help make sure you can get one!
Code Signing (CS) Certificates
Code Signing certificates aren't traditional SSL/TLS certificates, but they play an important and expanding role in online security and integrity. These are certificate-based digital signature algorithms that verify a piece of code hasn't been tampered with since it was signed by the author. We like to think of it as a "digital shrink wrap" that validates code is being authentic and in its original form. It is the web's tamper-proof system for software downloading. Code signing certificates are used and recognized by all major operating systems like Apple OS X, Linux, and Windows.

DigiCert eliminates the frustration with PKI & simplifies SSL/TLS. It's one of the most trusted, most relied-upon Certificate Authorities in the world.

RapidSSL is a well-respect CA that puts its focus on speed. Its lightning-fast, fully automated issuance process means you can purchase SSL and have it issued in just minutes.
SSL Certificates
Build Trust and Protect Your Brand with Leading Encryption, Identity & Website Security Solutions.