Calling this simply an SSL certificate is not doing it justice—the DigiCert Secure Site Pro Flex SSL Certificate comes with a wide range of features and add-ons to secure your site and help you stand out from competitors. That includes the new flex feature—you can add up to 250 standard or wildcard domains at any time. Now, later, whenever! This means you can mix and match however many standard and wildcard domains you need to make the most affordable combination to exactly meet your needs.
In addition to this FLEXibility, you are getting a list of features and security you can’t get with any other SSL certificate line:
Business-level validation SSL certificate from the premier CA, DigiCert
Backed by the universally trusted DigiCert roots
Free Norton site seal
Post quantum cryptography enabled
CT log monitoring
This is an SSL certificate that gives you peace of mind knowing that you are covered AND shows your users that your site is a website they can trust.

DigiCert Secure Site Pro SSL (FLEX)